ACCESS-ABLE TRAVEL SOURCE NEWSLETTER VOLUME 2 NUMBER 5 ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* To find out more about the companies or trips listed here go to the Access-Able What's News page at: ************************************************************************** A BRIDGE TO PEACE TOWARDS THE MILLENNIUM - is the first international conference to be held in Israel on tourism for people with special needs. It will be held November 29 - December 2, 1999 at the Royal Beach Hotel in Eilat, Israel. Eilat is a beautiful seaside resort with warm and sunny weather throughout the year, offering the perfect location to combine a high level scientific program with a unique leisure experience. Israel is now at the height of a process to promote the mainstreaming of its citizens with disabilities. They are approaching the completion of a comprehensive law of equal rights for people with disabilities. Israel is also in the midst of a process of making peace with its neighbors. Participation of interest groups from Jordan and Egypt is expected as well as representatives from the Palestinian Authority. The conference will be conducted in English with American and Israeli Sign Language Interpretation in the sessions. The main topics of the conference will be: · Policy - What is the policy of the relevant Authorities and Agencies, in Israel and worldwide, towards tourism of people with disabilities. · Economic aspects - Presentation of studies · Services issues - Attitudes, specials needs, devices/technologies. · Information - Databanks and their accessibility, dissemination of information about accessible sites, accommodations and complementary services. · Types of sites/events and modes of dealing with their accessibility - (museums, beaches, sports sites, national parks, holy places, festivals etc.) Presentation will be made of successful examples. For further information contact: Conference Secretariat "Camel" Organizers & Events, P.O. Box 1912, Ramat Gan 52532, Israel. Tel: +972-3-5754040 Fax: +972-3-5753107 Email: ************************************************************************* FREE MEDICAL RECORD-KEEPING SYSTEM - Medical Assurance Registry, a quick reference on-line medical data system, has opened in Englewood, Florida. This service was created by to assist Healthcare Professionals in treating medical emergencies, whether they occur around the corner around the world. This is a free service for the travel industry. Whether at home or traveling, doctors need pertinent historical medical data when providing needed treatment. The RXData system provides a complete, current record of an individuals medical profile in a form that is easily available for use by medical personnel anywhere. For further information, visit their web site at: ************************************************************************** ANAHEIM - TRAVEL WORKSHOPS AT ABILITIES EXPO - Just a reminder that we will be presenting travel workshops at the upcoming Abilities Expo being held in Anaheim, May 14-16, 1999. The sessions are an hour long and are being sponsored by American Airlines. The workshops are free! We also have tickets available for free admittance to the show. If you would like some just leave me your address at and tell me how many tickets you want. We would love to meet you, so join us at one of the workshops or stop by our booth to say hello. For more information and directions check out the Abilities Expo web site I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that Continental Airlines will be sponsoring the travel workshops at the final three Expos to be held in Chicago, IL, Chantilly, VA and Santa Clara, CA. More information and dates on future What's News pages. ************************************************************************* THE OXYGEN TRAVELER - exists for the disabled traveler who requires oxygen and durable medical equipment arrangements for domestic, international, or cruise travel. They specialize in making virtually all aspects of travel arrangements for delivery of medical or oxygen equipment to ship, airport, hotel, or en route travel. The Oxygen Traveler is not a travel agency, but works with hundreds of travel agencies and health care providers, as well as the cruise line industry. Your travel agent provides all the usual transportation, lodging, and car rental services. The Oxygen Traveler then arranges the medical equipment in the destinations you've chosen, negotiates a fair price with the suppliers, and works with them to have it delivered where you need it, when you need it. All the proper authorities and agents are notified so that your trip will be as smooth as possible. They understand that it is imperative that you have this equipment so they double-check every last detail. For more information call: The Oxygen Traveler at 937-848-7100 Fax: 937-848-7949 Email: ************************************************************************* ALERT CHANGE IN DOT GUIDELINES - Change in the law and the policies to cover the cost to damages to wheelchair. In the past the airline industry has been able to limit the liability of covering damage to wheelchairs to only $2,500. And even if the companies were sued and had to pay full damages, the lawyer's fees were not covered. They are considering how to do that calculation The Department of Transportation has developed new regulations that would raise the liability of the air carriers. Non Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel: Compensation for Damage to Wheelchairs and other assistive Devices Action: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Existing cap on the amount of compensation airlines would have to pay to passengers for loss or damage of their wheelchair users and other assistive devises. The proposal is intended to provide additional relief to passengers using expensive assistive devices when they are destroyed or seriously damaged in the course of airline travel. For Further Information Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Council for Regulation and Enforcement Department of Transpiration, 400 7 th Street, SW Room 10-424. Washington , D.C. 202-366-9313 (voice); 202 755-7687 (TDD) 202-366-9313 (fax); Sam Pavereski- Assist. General Council is the contact person The Rules Change: OST-99-5099 To see a copy of a sample letter go to *************************************************************************** NEW LINKS ACESS GALVESTON - This is a new online access guide that cover accommodations attractions and dining. EUROPE ACCESS INFORMATION - The European Commission has produced a series of on-line Travel Guides for tourists with disabilities, to meet the information demand of this potential group of tourists. These Travel Guides cover 18 European countries, members of the European Economic Area. *************************************************************************** SITE CHANGES FEATURED DESTINATION - Notice something different! We will be changing the name of our Feature Tour page to Featured Destination. We feel that since generally these pages are about a destination rather then a specific tour it is more appropriate. This month's Featured Destination is Cape Cod. Learn about it's history, where to stay, what to see and do. Plus where to find beach wheelchair and an accessible sport boat. To view it go to NEW TRAVEL TALE - We have recently added a trip report on Viet Nam. Not the most accessible destination, but read about on mans adventure, what to see and how to survive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Aric Vamosh and his wife Miriam Feinberg Vamosh. They live in Israel and Aric is a wheelchair user. Aric travels extensively and is frequently joined by Miriam. They have generously shared many of these trips with our users. Aric does most of the writing but special thanks also go to Miriam for translating the accounts into English. To view it go to *************************************************************************** Regards, Carol Randall Access-Able Travel Source
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