***************************************************************************** ACCESS-ABLE TRAVEL SOURCE NEWSLETTER VOLUME 2 NUMBER 11 http://www.access-able.com ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** VIRGINIA TRAVEL GUIDE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The Virginia guide is one of only three in the U.S., and contains more than 500 listings of attractions, hotel, restaurants and special services required by traveler with disabilities. Unlike most travel literature, which uses standardized symbols for disability services, the Virginia Travel Guide provides specific measurements and insight into special services such as the availability of sign language interpreters or references to hands-on exhibits for persons with visual impairments. This is the fourth edition of the guide and was published by Cheryl & Bill Duke, principals of The Opening Door, Inc. The guide was funded through the Virginia Tourism Corporation, and with grants from Dominion Resources, Bell Atlantic, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Capitol One, Rappahannock Regional Disability Services Board, Virginia's Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford, and Philip Morris U.S.A. This 304-page guide is free and is available by calling toll-free 1-800-742-3935, or writing the Virginia Tourism Corporation at 901 East Byrd Street, Richmond, VA 23219 TTD (804) 371-0327. ****************************************************************************** TRAVEL THROUGH EXCHANGE OPPORTUNIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIS >From studying for a year in France to teaching English in China to volunteering on conservation in Costa Rica to conducting research in Zimbabwe, the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange can provide information on how people with disabilities can make these possibilities a reality. Established in 1995 as joint venture between the United States Information Agency (USIA) and Mobility International USA (MIUSA), and funded by the USIA, the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE), opens a world of opportunities for people with disabilities in International educational exchange programs worldwide. NCDE is a collaborative effort between MIUSA, USIA and 16 international exchange and disability-related organizations. The NCDE strives to increase the participation of people with disabilities in the full range of international exchange opportunities by providing free information and referrals to individuals as well as disability-related organizations about international opportunities. In addition, it provides international exchange organizations and colleges and universities, practical how-to consulting and training on including people with disabilities into their programs. To obtain additional information on NCDE, you can go to MIUSA website at: http://www.miusa.org and fill in an online request form. You can also learn about financial aid opportunities and events NCDE is sponsoring on the site. You can also contact MIUSA at PO Box 10767, Eugene, OR 97440 or 541-343-1284 (v/tty) 541-343-6812 (fax). ***************************************************************************** 2000 SATH WORLD CONGRESS AND TRADE SHOW FOR TRAVELERS WITH DISABILITIES AND THE MATURE The Society for the Advancement of Travelers with Handicaps will hold its Fourth Annual World Congress at the Fort Lauderdale Airport Hilton in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 12-16, 2000. The main mission of the Congress is to educate the travel and hospitality industry about the needs of travelers with disabilities and the benefits to be derived from reaching out to this large and dynamic, but still under served market. At more than 20% of the American population, persons with disabilities are indeed our largest minority, and one that will continue to grow in the new millennium, in numbers and buying power. The leading co-sponsor of the 2000 SATH World Congress is ASTA-American Society of Travel Agents, which recognizes the importance of this growing market to its members, many of whom will be in attendance. Disability awareness, like the travel industry itself, is spreading rapidly worldwide. One of the most exciting aspects of the SATH World Congress will again be the coming together of receptive tour operators from all over the globe. Over 25 countries are likely to be represented; some for the first time like Egypt and Norway. For specialists in accessible travel, whether from North America or overseas, the World Congress provides a unique opportunity to network and develop new business relationships, as well as to catch up on the latest developments in the field. Expert speakers, well-informed industry panels, updates from government regulatory agencies, and workshops on all sorts of topics-from medical needs to disability etiquette to hotel accessibility to the newest wheelchair-friendly destinations-all go to make up the rich learning experience of the Congress. Once again, the Internet will be a hot topic, with more and more detailed access information finding its way online and more e-business being conducted. Registration for the 2000 SATH World Congress is $199 per person. SATH members and members/associates of the Partnership in Awareness (AMEX, ASTA, ARTA, AURA, NTA, TIA, AH&MA, ABA, ATA, IACVB, SPACE, CLIA) register at the discounted rate of $179. An "early bird" registration fee of $149 is available to association members who register before September 30, 1999. Students of the travel and hospitality industry and spouses of delegates can participate in the 2000 SATH World Congress for only $99. Complete details on the SATH 2000 World Congress, including preliminary program and delegate and trade show registration forms; can be found on the SATH web site (HOT) (www.sath.org). Or contact: Susan Mydanick, Congress Coordinator SATH World Congress 2200 West Commercial Blvd., Suite105 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Tel. (954) 731-4600 / Fax. 731-5106 E-mail: sathwrld@bellsouth.net ****************************************************************************** RECENT BOOK RELEASES EASY WALKS IN ISRAEL - is a unique volume of non-strenuous strolls, easy walks and super-easy hikes. THE LIST - is a directory of Dialysis Centers Accepting Transient Patients. DISAPPEARING WINDMILLS - A Waist High View of the World's Hotspots, is one woman's "Grand Journey into Wellness". The author Kate Christie Zee, M.D. was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of her life, bringing her career as an emergency physician to an abrupt end. To find out more about these books and where you can get them go to the What's News page of the Access-Able website at: http://www.access-able.com/comingsoon.html ****************************************************************************** "CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL" IS HEADING OUTDOORS! The best selling series (over 40 million copies sold worldwide) is seeking inspiring stories, anecdotes, poems, quotations, cartoons, and other material for its forthcoming title, "Chicken Soup for the Outdoor Soul". The range of outdoor activities includes everything from camping to kayaking, backpacking to climbing, and scuba diving to whitewater rafting. The list is long, the possibilities are boundless. If you have a true story that opens the heart and rekindles the spirit on the topics of: It's All in the Attitude, Our Common Bond, Powerful Places, Wild and Free, On Healing, Living Your Dream, Overcoming Obstacles, Encountering Nature, A Matter of Perspective, On Love, Special Moments, Making a Difference, On Children, and Nature's Wisdom, please email your submission to: submissions@outdoorsoul.com. For more details and their complete guidelines, be sure to check out their website http://www.outdoorsoul.com/outdoorsoul.html They are also still accepting submissions for "Chicken Soup for the Traveler's Soul" although that is much further along in the process. Interested readers can check out their website http://www.outdoorsoul.com/travelerssoul.html ***************************************************************************** FEATURED DESTINATIONS - Due to popular demand we will be leaving each featured destination report up for three months. Like always there will be a new destination covered each month, but it will just stay up there longer to give more users an opportunity to view it. This month's destination is Houston, Texas and points including the Space Center and the gulf town of Galveston. You can check it out at http://www.access-able.com/featuretours.html ***************************************************************************** COMING SOON - Watch for several new Travel Tales that will be posted over the next couple of months. Also, if you have a trip, good, bad or ugly that you would like to share with our users, just drop us an email at carol@access-able.com **************************************************************************** TRAVELIN TALK - a global network of persons with disabilities who have joined together and formed a unique family of friends around the world. Check it out at http://www.travelintalk.net. **************************************************************************** Regards, Carol Randall Access-Able Travel Source http://www.access-able.com
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