ACCESS-ABLE TRAVEL SOURCE NEWSLETTER VOLUME 3 NUMBER 12 (December) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** FOR RENT - ACCESSIBLE ORLANDO VILLIAS Two Years ago, Walter and Yvonne Bernstein bought a home in a nice subdivision in Orlando and rented it to vacationers. Soon they had 32 rental homes, just 10 minutes away from Disney World. They will soon be completing the first phase of construction of accessible homes just minutes to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World and numerous other attractions. So now Yvonnes Property Management, Inc, also operates accessible wheelchair Short Term Rental Homes. The homes have roll in showers, roll under sinks, wide doors, ramps to all entrances, private pools, maneuverability in all rooms with easy outside access. The private pools have built in spas for added enjoyment. Pool lifts are also available for rent. Prices are for the entire home, not for per person or per room. It is ideal for groups, and families. They are even affordable for small families or couples. Home sizes now available are 4 & 5 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 bathrooms, private pool with spa. For more information or reservations contact: Yvonnes Property Management, Inc., 405 Durango Loop, Davenport, (Orlando) Florida 33837. Toll Free 1-877-714-1144 Fax (863) 424-0795. Email: ****************************************************************************** THE SEASON OF SHARING For many of us this time of year is one of giving and remembering those who are less fortunate. So I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about a gift that many of you can give that will change a life. Actually your gift would be giving someone a life. Each year in the United States, tens of thousands of wheelchairs are thrown away and end up in landfills. Over 300,000 are retired into attics, basements and back closets. In many developing countries, if you can't walk by yourself, you must crawl or be carried, living a life of confinement on the floor, in a bed, or a back room. The following organizations both have programs to get wheelchairs to people in developing countries that need them. Check them out and give a gift that will change a life. Wheels for Humanity Wheels for the World ****************************************************************************** NOTE - 25% DISCOUNT EXTENDED Stagecoach Trails Guest Ranch the Universal Design Guest Ranch that recently opened has extended their Grand Opening Discount till the end of January. To find our more about the ranch check out their web site at ****************************************************************************** HOLLAND AMERICA INSTALLS FIRST WHEELCHAIR-ACCESSIBLE TENDER-TRANSFER SYSTEM FOR CRUISE SHIPS Seattle, September 25, 2000 - Holland America Line, a leader in providing accessibility solutions for its guests, has installed the industry's first system for the safe, comfortable transfer between ship, tender and pier for guests using wheelchairs. Called the Shore Tender Accessibility Project, the system was developed for Holland America by Cap Sante Marine, Inc. of Anacortes, Wash. First installed on the ms Statendam in May, the custom-built $100,000-plus prototype system was put in operation during Statendam's Alaska season. The Statendam is currently sailing in Hawaii. The ms Ryndam and ms Volendam are scheduled to be outfitted with the system next, with the rest of the Holland America fleet to follow during scheduled drydocks. The prototype was developed to address a common challenge when guests using wheelchairs desire to go ashore or participate in shore excursions requiring tendering. Cap Sante Marine's unique system provides a safe, dignified means of transporting a guest using a wheelchair down the gangway and onto the tender while still in the chair. The guest's wheelchair is locked into place on a lift that runs on an inclined track from the top of the gangway to the tender. A ramp on the tender allows the chair to be wheeled directly aboard and locked into place atop a specially designed scissor-lift. That lift is then raised to provide the guest a clear view through the tender's windows Once dockside, the tender has a hydraulic leveling system that can be adjusted to allow for differences in height up to 23 inches between the dock and the tender, allowing the wheelchair to be rolled directly off the tender and onto the dock. "This innovative new system will make it possible for guests who previously were unable to go ashore to enjoy our ports of call and participate fully in our shoreside activities," said Kirk Lanterman, Holland America Line chairman. "This new tender-transfer system is just another example of Holland America's commitment to having the most accessible ships in the industry." Holland America Line has long been at the forefront of accessible ship design, and has always maintained a high percentage of handicap-accessible staterooms across all price categories on its vessels In addition, guests may request TDD equipment, amplified telephones, visual alert alarms, bed vibrating alarms, closed caption decoders on televisions, and flashing light door buzzers. The ms Rotterdam, ms Volendam, ms Zaandam and ms Amsterdam (the line's newest ship) all were built with a closed loop listening system in the main show. ****************************************************************************** ACCESS IN ISRAEL & THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY This guide was put together by Gordon Couch and the Access Project which is located in London. They have also published books on Access in London and Access in Paris over the past few years. Many people who have trouble getting around would like to join the throng of visitor to Israel - but so far have been put off by reports of difficulties and lack of amenities. While there are certainly still challenges, things have improved. Armed with this guide, many disabled travelers can now enjoy their visit. This is the third edition of Access in Israel but, is based on research work carried out in 1998/99, it is by far the most comprehensive. Survey teams have visited virtually every site and hotel. They have all been wheeled into or walked over and therefore the information is first hand - rather than hearsay. Jerusalem, the Dead Sea region, PNA areas, Tel Aviv and surroundings, Haifa and north coast, Galilee and the Holan, Be'er Sheva, the Negev and Eilat - all are covered with the help of maps (one pull-out) and diagrams, a section in color and the well established Access Symbols. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Access Project 39 Bradley Gardens, West Ealing, London W13 8HF United Kingdom or you can email Gordon Couch at There is no charge but people are requested to make a donation towards the considerable research and publication costs. The suggested contribution for one of the guides is £10 or US $15, plus postage. If you sending money from abroad, please send cash. Checks drawn on foreign banks cost a disproportionate amount to put through a bank account. If you have a British bank account then checks should be payable to "Access Project". ****************************************************************************** A GUIDE TO ATLANTA FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (Second Edition) The 67-page guide is a product of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Georgia Chapter and Shepherd Center, a care hospital in Atlanta that is an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. ASID members organized the listing of locations, developed the survey, conducted detailed, on-site surveys, using guidelines from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a community service project, the guide involved thousands of volunteer ours from ASID. Shepherd Center and ASID reviewed other accessibility guides, contacted community agencies and researched services for people with a variety of disabilities. Shepherd Center funded production of the guide with the generous support of ERB Industries. Hopefully, this accessibility guide will encourage even more facilities in Atlanta to become accessible to the 500 million people with disabilities in the world. The guide starts with a list of many services and resources available to travelers. Sites that have been surveyed include attractions, banks, hotels, museums, parks, restaurants, shopping, sport venues, supermarkets, theaters and places of worship. To get a copy call Shepherd Center at (404) 350-7330 or the ASID Georgia Chapter Office at (404) 231-3938. You can also view the guide in its entirety at ****************************************************************************** EMERGING HORIZONS NEW LOOK & EXPANDED SIZE The Winter 2001 issue of Emerging Horizons Accessible Travel News has just been released. It sports a high gloss new look and has been expanded to sixteen pages. Emerging Horizons, now in its forth year of publication, is packed full of travel stories, news and travel tips. Regular features include the Insider which is a column that reports on accessible Bed $ Breakfasts and Country Inns, Gems and Germs, a list of properties that have roll-in showers & guaranteed reservations and my favorite from the Editor's Desk. It covers a wide range of topics and often makes you look at issues that travelers with disabilities face in a new light. Emerging Horizon's policy is: "In order to bring readers unbiased information, they accepts no advertising." The magazine comes out quarterly and costs $14.95 for a one year subscription in the US and $19.95 outside the US. For more information or to order contact Candy & Charles Creative Concepts, P.O. Box 278, Ripon, CA 95366. Phone (209) 599-9409 Fax: (209)599-9482. Email: You may also want to check out their website at where you can learn more about the publication, subscribe to their online version or order a sample copy of the publication. ****************************************************************************** (The following article was written By Don Russell and was distributed by KNIGHT RIDDER NEWS SERVICE) FLYING PIG WAS A REAL FIRST-CLASS HAM 300-POUND POKER PERTERBS SOME ABOARD 6-HOUR FLIGHT By Don Russell KNIGHT RIDDER NEWS SERVICE October 28, 2000 PHILADELPHIA -- When pigs fly . . . they fly first class. At least, that's the service one pampered porker received last week aboard a US Airways flight from Philadelphia to Seattle. In a bizarre episode that rattled flight attendants and embarrassed airline officials, a 300-pound pig was boarded into the cabin of a Boeing 757 and flown nonstop with 200 other passengers on a six-hour flight across the country. Sources familiar with the incident said the pig's owners convinced the airline that the animal was a "therapeutic companion pet," like a guide dog for the blind. "I guess it was supposed to be a seeing-eye pig," said a witness aboard the flight. "Frankly, I couldn't tell what kind of therapeutic service it was providing. "All I know is, it was ugly and it pooped." A chagrined airline spokesman provided few details. "We can confirm that the pig traveled, and we can confirm that it will never happen again," US Airways spokesman David Castelveter said Thursday. The pig flew Oct. 17, aboard US Airways Flight 107, from Philadelphia to Seattle-Tacoma Airport. Its owners, who were unidentified, were described as two women, one in her 30s, the other a senior. An internal incident report said the owners claimed they had a doctor's note that required them to fly with the animal. "According to Philadelphia agent who talked to passenger over phone, passenger described pig as being 13 pounds, so based on this info, authorization was given," the report stated. "I'd estimate 300 pounds," said one source aboard the flight. "It took four people to wheel it in, past security and to the gate. And they were struggling." US Airways policy allows passengers to fly with so-called "service" animals. Usually, though, the companion is a trained guide dog or other small pet. Though flight attendants objected, the incident report says US Airways' legal and consumer affairs departments cleared the pig for takeoff. Baggage charges were waived and the pig was seated on the floor, in the first row of first class. It was so big, much of its bulk extended into the aisle, according to the report. "It didn't smell, it was a clean pig," said a witness on board the flight. "It slept almost the whole time, like a pig in a blanket." It wasn't till the aircraft taxied into Seattle that the pig wreaked havoc. Squealing loudly, it madly ran loose through the aircraft and tried to enter the cockpit. It finally found refuge in the food galley, where it refused to budge. "Many people on board the aircraft were quite upset that there was a large uncontrollable pig on board, especially those in the first-class cabin," the incident report stated. Finally, someone lured the pig from the galley with food. Then, the two female owners -- struggling to control the porcine beast -- managed to drag it out of the aircraft and into the jetway. That's where it left its mess. ****************************************************************************** CHECK OUT this month's Feature Destination at It is San Diego one of the most accessible destinations in the world. Find out where to stay, what to see and how to get around. ****************************************************************************** Carol Randall Access-Able Travel Source
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