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Disability - Events, Exhibitions, Performances

Last Update: Friday, 07-Mar-2025 22:21:03 PST

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The following list contains information on events that are somehow related to disability.
Where possible we have provided the programme.

Information on this server come from articles, magazines or have been signalled by others. Since we cannot verify all of them, we simply distribute them as they are, without any guarantee or responsibility on damages due to their use.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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blue ball International
pink ball Belgium
orange ball England
violet ball Finland
red ball Germany
brown ball Italy New Information Arrow
gold ball Switzerland
red ball Taiwan - Taipei
green ball U.S.A.
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blue ball Grundtvig - Training of trainers to provide basic ICT skills' education to people with disabilities
blue ball ATLEC - European survey on training and usage of Assistive Technologies
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blue ball Final symposium of the ViPi (Basic ICT skills training for people with disabilities) and ATLEC (ICT-based Assistive Technology Learning Through A Unified Curriculum) projects.
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blue ball Grundtvig - Training of trainers to provide basic ICT skills' education to people with disabilities - 4th Session - Nottingham, UK, on 14-18 October 2013 (possibility to shift to 13-17 October 2013)
orange ball Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability 2012 - 22-23 October 2012 - Nottingham
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violet ball International Cerebral Palsy Conference 2005 - 12/14 May 2005 - Tampere
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red ball REHACARE 2007 - 03-04 October 2007 - Dusseldorf [English-German]
small red ball Documentation (18.04.2007) [English-German]
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brown ballAlzheimer Summit 2025 10-11 April 2025 - Mercato Sarceno (FC) New Information Arrow
brown ballInnovAbilia - Festival of Innovation and different abilities and of the quality of life 17-19 May 2012 - Foggia [Italian]
brown ballHandimatica 2012 22-24 November 2012 - Bologna [Italian]
small brown ball Draft programme [Italian]
brown ballCourse of Italian Language of Signs in Pordenone October 2008 -> February 2009 [Italian]
brown ballWorkshop "One year after the ONU document on Human Rights of People with Disability" Sala del Chiostro, Engineering Faculty - Via Eudossiana 18 - 00184 Roma - 29/03/2008 [Italian]
brown ballExhibition: "Le tue mani per me - in Simbiosi" (Your hands for me in simbiosys) - Barcarolo e Brombin - Barchesse di Palazzo Fogazzaro, Via Pasini, SCHIO (VI) 5-13/01/2008 [Italian]
brown ballChildren with disability and strategies for the prevention of maltreatment - Conference 24.10.2007 (Bologna) [Italian]
brown ballChildren with disability and strategies for the prevention of maltreatment - Conference 24.10.2007 (Bologna) [Italian]
brown ballI Vertical Congress - Scientific Congress on Spinal Cord injury - Free booking ; - 27.10.2007 (Rome)
brown ball Voices in the Wind Solidarity events - 04-31.08.2007 (Emilia Romagna) [Italian]
small brown ball Rimini 5/8 (Emilia Romagna) [Italian]
brown ball Cooperativa Bucaneve - European Campaign 1million4disability in the north of Italy - 01.07/09.09-2007 (Lombardia and Veneto) [Italian]
brown ball Vivere Insieme (Live Together) - 7th Rural party - 03.06.2007 - Rocca Priora (Rome) [Italian]
small brown ball Agenda [Italian]
brown ball WWF - Oasis day 2007 - 20.05.2007 (20 locations across Italy) [Italian]
brown ball Seminar: "Towards the ratification of the ONU Convention of the Rights of people with Disability" - 26.03.2007(Milan) [Italian]
brown ball DISHOW 2007 - 30.03-01.04.2007 (Montichiari - Brescia) [Italian]
brown ball Cinema without barriers - 2006/2007 - (Milan) [Italian]
brown ball Exhibition: "Abbasso il Grigio 2007" - Expo of masterpieces made by people with disability - "Children in the world, The world of Children" - 29.01-03.02.2007- Expo of masterpieces made by people with disability - "Children in the world, The world of Children" - 29.01-03.02.2007 - (Milan) [Italian]
brown ball Seminar: Zooantropology, Dogs education and Pet therapy: meeting experiences - (28-29.04.2007 - Rimini) [Italian]
brown ball Seminar: "Women and disability (03/03/2007 - Bologna) [Italian]
brown ball Seminar: "Project: supporting families with disabled children (27/01/2007 - Bologna) [Italian]
brown ball Cinema without barriers - Second Edition (19/12/2006 - Milano) [Italian]
brown ball National Forum on Spinal diseases - Workshop organised by FAIP (Italian Federation of Associations of Paratetraplegic) (16/12/2006 - Casalecchio di Reno - Bologna) [Italian]
brown ball C4 Music in four movements for video, dance and voices - Show in the scope of a regional project on handicap and sexuality (20/10/2006 - San Lazzaro di Savena - Bologna) [Italian]
brown ball Abbasso il Grigio! 2006 - Expo of masterpieces of disabled people (27-30/9/2006 - Rome) [Italian
brown ball BIT 2006 - Turism without barriers - "Turism without barriers: a new opportunity of economical development" by Lamberto Tozzi (19/2/2006 - Milano
brown ball FashionAble - Cloths exhibition with models with disability (2/4-03-2006 - Bologna) [Italian]
brown ball Abbasso il grigio! IX edition Africa - exhibition of 500 masterpieces of people with disability (29/9-2/10 2005 - Rome) [Italian]
brown ball SLOWTIME - Brescia accessible, 4 tours in the city centre - 20/09/2005 - Brescia [Italian]
pallino piccolo marrone Auditorium Santa Giulia - Via Piamarta 4 - Brescia
small brown ball Local copy of advertisment (08.09.2005) [Italian]
brown ball SportRiability - Exhibition of Sport and aids for people with disability - 22-26/09/2005 - Monfalcone (GO)- Italy [Italian]
small brown ball Event description document: local copy (24.08.2005) [Italian]
brown ball IV International Conference on Muscle Distrophy Duchenne and Becker - 10-12/06/2005 - Roma [Italian]
brown ball First Italian Conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication - 27-28/05/2005 - Genova [Italian]
brown ball COME PRIMA (LIKE BEFORE) - A movie on adolescence and disability [Italian]
brown ball Handitalia 2005 - II national Expo for the Authonomy and the Integration of People with Disability - 10-12/06/2005 - Piacenza [Italian]
Multilanguage Web Site
brown ballAccessibility of the Web: starts the Tour of Italy - Various cities - 08/10/2004 - 06/12/2004 [Italian]
brown ballGlobal Junior Challenge 2004 and Workshop "Integration and Innovation of the learning paths for the student with disability through the use of the TIC" - Rome - 17/18.11.2004 [Italian]
brown ballThe Other Ability: Experiences and Politics for people with disability - Turin - 08-09.10.2004 [Italian]
brown ballPresentation of FaceMouse Intellignet aid to interact with a Personal Computer - Modena (Italy) - 08.10.2004 [Italian]
small brown ballPost event comments and acknowledgements [Italian]
brown ballHandimatica 2004 National exibition on handicap and technology [Italian] BOLOGNA - 25, 26 e 27 November 2004
brown ball"Giochi d'Acqua e di Verde" (Effects of Water and Green) - Guided tours for blind people Frascati (Roma- Italy) - 22,23,29,30.05.2004 [Italian]
brown ball LIBERITUTTI - 1st Mediterranean Expo of Tourism for All (Agrigento - Italy - 26-28.05.2004) [Italian]
brown ball Clinical Assessment in Autism: from theory to practice (Rome - 31.05-02.06.2004) [Italian]
brown ball The Other Ability: Best Practices and people with Disabilities (Bolzano - 27-28.11.2003) [Italian]
brown ball Mobility: a right to recognise (Milano - 17.11.2003) [Italian]
brown ball Tecnabile / Easy House (Forli' - Italy - 10-12.10.2003) [Italian]
small brown ball Tecnabile / Easy House (Forli' - Italy - 10-12.10.2003) [Italian] Registration
brown ball "Brescia possible: four tracks accessible in Brescia's city center" (Brescia - Italy - 30.06.2003) [Italian]
Salone Vanvitelliano . Palazzo Loggia . Brescia, as part of "ANCH'IO : A city for everyone.
brown ball Istituto Don Ghinelli - Calendar 2003 Performances - European year for People with Disability . (Gatteo - FC Italy, 2003) [Italian]
brown ball Handymatica 2002 - Advanced technologies Aiding Disabled People. (Bologna, 28-30.11.2002) [Italian]
brown ball "Rehabilitation in the Water" - main techniques in the Spinal Unit 14.06.2002 - Milano [Italian]
brown ball Handicap and Science FIction, an evening at Centro Documentazione Handicap 21.02.2001 - Bologna - Italy [Italian]
brown ball Disabled people at 'Artigiano in Fiera' - Milan 1.12.2001 / 9.12.2001 [Italian]
brown ball Prize UGUALI NELLA DIVERSITA' (Before 30 September 2001) [Italian]
brown ball Painting Exhibition - Abbasso il Grigio (Rome - 27 - 30 September 2001 ) [Italian]
brown ball National Conference of Italian Democratici on Handicap (Milano, 20.11.2000) [Italian]
brown ball ICDVRAT2OOO - The International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (Alghero - Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, September 24-26, 2000)
brown ball Innovation on Job organization and protection for disabled people (Basovizza - Trieste - Italy, 20.10.2000) [Italian]
brown ball Disabled people Jubilee. (Roma, 03.12.2000) [Italian]
brown ball Guided Tours "Archeology for Everyone 2000". (Fiumicino- Roma, 11-26.11.2000) [Italian]
brown ball ABILITY TECN-HELP. (Torino, 18-19.11.2000) [Italian]
brown ball HANDImatica - Advanced Technologies for Disabled. (Bologna, 29.11.2000 - 01.12.2000) [Italian]
brown ball Activity with horses: To know, To understand, to Try..." (1st level) (Bologna,6,7,8 October 2000) [Italian]
brown ball AccaMatica 2000 - Technologies, Consultancy, Services for the Handicap (Crema,13 Maggio 2000) [Italian]
brown ball I National Conference on Politics of Handicap (Roma, 16-18.Dicembre.1999) [Italian]
brown ball 6th National Workshop on Informatics, Didactics and Disability (Adria - Bari, 4-5-6.November.1999)
brown ball Forum on Blind people (Roma, May.1999) [Italian]
brown ball Ordinary and Straordinary Convention of Banca Etica (Roma, 19.06.1999) [Italian]
brown ball I Forum: "Living without Architectural, Communication and Mobility Barriers (Roma, 08.04.1999) [Italian]
brown ball IV International Meeting: "The Emotion to Know and the Wish to Exist" (Bologna, 6-8.09.1999)
brown ball "The 'domotica' for more authonomy of people in the house" (Bologna, 27.11.1998) [Italian]
brown ball "Social, Information , Informatics: Are rules changing ?" (Bologna, 23.05.1998) [Italian]
brown ball "When an handicapped child is born : first information" (Bologna, 22.05.1998) [Italian]
brown ball "Calamaio Project, a proposal for education to diversity and handicap in schools" (Bologna, 21.05.1998) [Italian]
brown ball "Internet and Mental Health" (Genova, Italy, 07-08.02.1998)
brown ball Meeting of specialised teacher associations (25.09.1997 e 26.10.1997) [Italian]
brown ball "Multimedia Technologies and Telework: Opportunities for Disabled " (Torino: 9.06.1997 ) [Italian]
Local copy of the Programme (06.06.1997) [Italian]
brown ball "The Handicap in the South of Italy" (Lamezia Terme: 14.06.1997 ) [Italian]
brown ball Parent Project per la ricerca sulla distrofia muscolare Duchenne - Spettacolo a Roma. (Rome: 31.05.1997) [Italian]
brown ball CIVITAS (Padova: 01.05.1997 )
First Exibithion of Social and Civil Economy: Identity and Role of the Third Sector.
From 1 to 4 May 1997 - Fiera di Padova.
Information : 049 / 86.43.765
brown ball HANDImatica - Advanced Technologies for Disabled. (Bologna, 30.01-01.02.1997) [Italian]
brown ball TAB - Informatics Applications for Biotechnology: "Internet Aplications for Biology" (Genova, 26/27.06.1997) [Italian]
XXIII Conference of the Association of Friends of Music and Language Rithms: "Is it possible to show grammar forms to deaf childrens since the ealy years ?". (Rome 10/14.02.1997) [Italian] SITO WEB ORA "www.armeldue.com" con notizie sulla XXVII conferenza...
brown ball A New Law for Disabled (Roma 20.12.1996) [Italian]
brown ball Lhe daily-living abilities and work opportunities for disabled (Firenze 6/7.12.1996) [Italian]
brown ball Informatics, Didactics and Disability. V National Congress IDD'97 (Bologna 5/6/7/8.11.1997) [Italian]
brown ball Daily Workshop on: Architectonic barriers and accessibility. (21.06.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Milano: Information on AIDS. (07.06.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Firenze: Sociological, pedagogical, didactic and language issues of the deaf during the evolutive age. (08.06.96) [Italian]
brown ball Torino: Virtual Meeting "Disabiliy and Informatics" [Italian] (18.06.96)
brown ball Conference in Varese: Services for audio-injured minor and their families (02.06.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Bologna: Deafness, education and services (27.05.96) [Italian]
brown ball International Meeting in Bologna: A city for all. Experiences' exchange to promote integration and even opportunities to disabled people
brown ball Conference in Moncalieri: Music for audio-injured childrens (18.05.96)
brown ball Conference in Catania: Deaf sexuality (11.05.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Marcianise: Deafs speak (04.05.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Brescia: The deaf and the sport (01.05.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Pescara: Social services for deaf integration in the school and in the job (27.04.96) [Italian]
brown ball Painting Exibitionin Trani (27.04.96 - 04.05.96) [Italian]
brown ball Conference in Roma: Gesture and words culture: anthropological trip in the deaf's world (15-16.04.1996) [Italian]
brown ball "COMUNICATION & DISABILITY" - New integration paths. [Italian]
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Conference Disabled and Internet Canton Ticino - 18.04.2004 - Collaboration with Police Cantonale [Italian]
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Taipei - Taiwan

International Accessible Tourism Conference Taipei - Taiwan (05-08.05.2005)

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green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - 2/3 May 2008 - Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg, Maryland
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - 7/8 december 2007 - Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Virginia
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD
small green ball Free pass (save 3 USD at the entrance) - Last Update: 27.04.2007
green ball Fund Rising event for "Caring Communities" - August 27th, 2006 - Texas
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities"
- 2005 events update : November 4-5, 2005, Landmark Mall in Alexandria, Virginia
- 2006 events : May 19-20, 2006, MD State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD
green ball 2005 United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Annual Conference - 23-25 June 2005 - Phoenix (AZ - USA)
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - Events in 2005: UPDATE
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - Events in 2005:
1) Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, MD, May 20-22, 2005.
2) the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA November 4-6, 2005.
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - Chantilly (22-24.10.2004)
green ball Expo "World of Possibilities" - Baltimora (25-25.06.2004)
Meeting of Associations of Teachers specialised in supporting people with disability A.P.E.I.S.HA, A.R.I.S.M., A.I.S.,.C.N.I.S, with the Education and Culture Committee of Parlament (25.09.1997 e 26.10.1997) [Italian]
blue ball Conference in Pittsburg - Current and Future Management of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (28.06.96)



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