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Disability - Training and Jobs - Jobs

Last Update: Monday, 23-Aug-2021 08:30:53 PDT

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cyan ball Job opportunities News indicator
green ball Useful books
yellow ball Legislation

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Job opportunities

cyan ball Career Guide for People With Disabilities From Novoresume (USA)News indicator
cyan ball Business Ideas For People With Disabilities From Commercial Capital Training Group (USA)
cyan ball categorieprotette.it First portal for the recruiting on-line fully devoted to job offer for people fitting with Italian law 68/99 [Italian]
cyan ball Roma - Companion service for blind people [Italian]
cyan ball Province of Varese - Jobs for people with Disability [Italian]
cyan ball Piemonte - Jobs for people with Disability [Italian]
cyan ball Jobs for people with Disability - Province of Modena [Italian]
cyan ball Lavoro HandiCap Province of Padova [Italian]
cyan ball Brugnoni Fundation [Italian]
cyan ball Bender Consulting Services, Inc.
Consulting Firm located in Pittsburg (USA) employng people with disabilities: Lee Hassinger, Associate Research Assistant, Bender Consulting Services, Inc. - Penn Center West III - Suite 223 - Pittsburgh, PA 15276 - Phone: (412) 787-8567 - FAX: (412) 787-7178 - email: lhass@benderconsult.com
cyan ball LEH - League for the Integration of Handicapped [Italian]
cyan ball HandImpresa [Italian]
cyan ball POL.It - Job Opportunities Page [Italian]
cyan ball Regione Lazio - Jobs and Training - SIRIO Project [Italian]
cyan ball United Nations - Secretariat vacancy
cyan ball ROSS - Research Organization Selection Development [Italian]
cyan ball Collecting Telework Information for Disabled [Italian]
cyan ball European Telework Development Initiative - Telework and Disability: Understanding and Action
cyan ball Bancalavoro - Job Opportunities [Italian]
Shows opportunities for disabled and other protected people.
cyan ball Il Terzo Settore: No - Profit and the Ethic Bank [Italian]
cyan ball ASPHI - Access to Employment [Italian]
cyan ball CareerBuilder- Database of job offers
cyan ball Integrated Cooperative Consortium. [Italian]

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Useful books to help disabled to enter the world of jobs.

green ball Handicap & Lavoro. Criteri di valutazione ai fini della formazione professionale e dell'inserimento lavorativo [Italian]
M. Cannao , G. Moretti
Ed. Del Cerro, 1983
green ball Handicappati: l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro [Italian]
F. Ravaccia
Ed. Patron, 1985
green ball Handicappati psichici e lavoro: un integrazione possibile [Italian]
E. Biolchini, M. Liverani, V. Valmigli (a cura di)
Ed. Del Cerro, 1987
green ball La capacità fisica nel rapporto di lavoro [Italian]
G. Loy
Ed. Franco Angeli, 1993
green ball Disabili, tecnologie e mercato del lavoro [Italian]
M. G. Giordani (a cura di)
Ed. Etas Libri, 1995

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Legislation to help disabled entering the world of jobs.

yellow ball Support for Deaf and Blind Employees
yellow ball Legge 2/4/68, n. 482 [Italian]
It's the most important one: it establish to the 15 % the percentage of protected people to employ into companies with more than 35 employees.
yellow ball Legge 11/2/87, n. 56 [Italian]
Establish the rules for the Jobs' market.
yellow ball Legge R. 27/4/91, n. 9 [Italian]
It's about the actions to support workers with job difficulties: incentives for new employements, local projects for new job positions, incentives for new companies...
yellow ball Legge 5/2/92, n. 104 [Italian]
Main law on the assistance, social integration and disabled's rights. Amongst the topics: prevenction of handicap situations; help in the daily life needs; protection (like rehabilitation-centers, creation of communities, integration in guided job centers).
yellow ball Delibera commissione regionale per l'impiego, Lombardia, 12/2/96, n. 476 [Italian]
To experiment job employement of disabled; an annual or bi-annual program.
yellow ball Autocertificazione [Italian]
Since 1997 the civil disabled must present before the 31 March of every year the Modulo di Autocerificazione. If it's not done, in order to identify false-disabled, Government will start immediate checks. To know which categories must do it, and what must be declared, call your own ASSL (Azienda Socio-Sanitaria Locale - Ex USL). Or contact:
yellow ball Law 381/91 - No Profit: Cooperative Sociali - Jobs for everyone [Italian]
yellow ball Laws for the employment of disabled [Italian]
yellow ball Revision of Law 482/68 - Laws for the employment of disabled [Italian]
yellow ball Law 12 march 1999 N. 68 - laws for the job rights of disabled people work [Italian]



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