Disability - Research Projects
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Rights and legislation
Man - Machine Interfaces
Information Services
Specific Diseases
Health and Medicine
Learning and Training
Rights and Legislation
Superabilex From the Superabile site [Italian]
ADA American Disabled Act
CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
EASI Equal Access to Software and Information for Disabled
Man - Machine Interfaces
EASI Equal Access to Software and Information for Disabled
Journal Header Reader program for the blind
Journal Header Reader program for the blind (loca copy 27.11.1996)
TIDE Movaid Technology Initiative for the Disabled and the Elderly [Italian]
Trace Center Trace Project - Unified Web Site Accessibility Guidelines
- Local copy Ver 7.2 - June 1997 - Update 06 December 2017
WAI Web Accessibility Initiative
WAI-TIES Web Accessibility Initiative : Training, Implementation, Education, Support
Maia Project [Italian]
- Free distribution of the Maia software
Wave Project - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
European Telework Development Initiative - Telework and Disability: Understanding and Action
Information Services
IDIS Intellectual Disability Information Service
Sindrobase Database of clinic information for malformations [Italian]
CABI Project Accessibility of Libraries on the Net - National Library Marciana of Venice [Italian]
Sensor for blind people [Italian]
Viewer for blind people [Italian]
Journal Header Reader program for the blind
Journal Header Reader program for the blind(local copy 27.11.1996)
Retinitis Pigmentosa - Artificial retina [Italian]
local copy
The Blind and Visually Impaired SiteRing
- The Blind and Visually Impaired SiteRing was designed to join together web sites that are run by, for, or about individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
Specific Diseases
AIM Italian Association Mielolesi [Italian]
Parent Project Research on Duchenne / Becker Distrophy
Italian Association for the Research on Deafness [Italian]
Future without Thalassemy- Scientific Research Foundation - Florence [Italian]
OHSU Oregon Health Sciences University - Tinnitus Clinic
Sindrobase Database of clinic information for malformations [Italian]
Talassemia Berloni's Foundation - Research aganist Thalassemy [Italian]
VEDA Vestibular Disorders Association - Portland
- The Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA) is located in Portland, OR.
It is an organization providing information about vestibular problems including head trauma,
Meniers disease and many others. This is a very caring organization with members in many countries. No
one is turned away because of lack of funds. Documents are available in both English and Spanish.
Also on tape for those who have problems with vision. Thanks to Michael Smith for this info
Rick Hansen Research Institute
- No-profit organization that provides funds for finding a cure for spinal cord injuries
Health and Medicine
Dog4Life onlus Project "A dog for life" [Italian]
EINET galaxy Disabled
The Retinal Implant Project
Sindrobase Database of clinic information for malformations [Italian]
University of California - ADHD - Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit [Italian]
Learning and Training
Co.T.R.A.D. Social Coperative - Project Abilando [Italian]
Marsh Report to European Commission: Teaching a foreign language / second language to schoolboys with Special Needs [Italian]
European Campaign 1million4disability European Forum for Disability 1997-2007 [Italian]
URMAD Robotic Unit to Assist Disabled. [Italian]
Accessible landscapes
Concrete Change - An international effort to make all homes accessible
Project Disabili.com [Italian]
Equotel Project for Deaf-mute's access to Telecommunications [Italian]
Euroidea - Comune di Grottaglie - Companion Settings [Italian]